Give me all the wild, wiggly kids! My approach to family photo sessions | Napa Family Photographer

I get it. You have invested in a family photo shoot. You’ve put time into coordinating everyone’s outfits. This has been on the calendar for weeks. You arrive and your kids are all over the place, no one is listening, the little one instantly falls in the dirt the moment you step out of the car. It may seem chaotic to you, but this is my jam. Here are 5 tips to think about your family photos in a different way, that can make ALL the difference…

  1. Start introducing the session a few days before. Remind your kids that “we are meeting up with my friend Margy on Saturday to play in the vineyard! She is bringing her camera to take some photos of us playing together!” This approach goes much further than asking for good behavior at the session. I want your kids to be excited to go play vs. seeing it as a chore or undesirable task.

  2. Have a snack before, bring snacks for during, and make plans for a snack or fun trip afterwards. There is always one child that needs a little break during photos, and a quick snack is a great way for them to reset. A plan for an ice cream outing post-photos, or a promise to make popcorn at home after as a family afterwards helps keeps them focused during the session, and gives them something go look forward to.

  3. Wait until you arrive at the session location to put final clothing on for little ones. Leave the house in a play shirt, and when you arrive, pop on their photo shoot shirt as you’re getting out of the car.

  4. You think your kids are misbehaving—I call it spirited ;) I encourage kids to run, play and be silly. Yes, I will do my best to get a shot of everyone looking at the camera, but that is not my goal. My goal is to get images that show your family being yourself. I will never say “SMILE!!”…and you won’t need to either. I will ask your kids if they like french fries, or mac and cheese. You would be surprised how much genuine joy appears on your child’s face when they are just having simple conversation. This also helps avoid the dreaded strained and pained “toddler smile” . Lol.

  5. No matter how stressed you feel, take a deep breath and go with the flow. I will direct and run the session. I promise that parental energy during a session makes all the difference. See it as an opportunity to play with your kids, and everyone will shine.

Image is of a dad and daughter playing, taken by Margaret Nissen, a Napa family photographer.

**I have been photographing this family for years now, and they ALWAYS come to play. It never goes according to “plan”, but honestly, what does? Their galleries are some of my favorites, because there is so much life and love within them.